Ian Simandl
Secondary English & Literature
BSc (Hons) Psychology
MSc Abnormal and Clinical Psychology
MSc Educational Psychology
TEFL Certificate
Cambridge IGCSE ESL Training
Teaching Experience
Altogether I have 12 years teaching experience.
These have included several years teaching in university settings both in
the UK and China (e.g. Coventry University, Sun Yat-Sen University, South China Normal University) as well as in English training centres (e.g. EF) and bilingual schools in China (e.g. Guangdong Country Garden School, China-Hong Kong School).
I have experience of teaching a wide range of English courses such as
IELTS, iGCSE ESL, pre-iGCSE Literature, IB Language and Literature and
Cambridge FCE. I have also taught psychology for international students
getting ready to undertake psychology degrees. Most courses have been
focused on preparing students for further or higher education overseas
by equipping them with the appropriate qualifications, knowledge and
Teaching philosophy:
To maximise student practice of linguistic skills (e.g. speaking, writing) and systems (e.g. grammar, lexis) in the classroom and minimise didactic teaching. This ensures optimum practice of written/ spoken English as well as opportunities to digest the natural expression of the language through reading and listening.
Post time: Aug-23-2023