Nursery's Family Atmosphere
Dear Parents,
A new school year has begun, kids were eager to start their first day at the kindergarten.
Many mixed emotions on the first day, parents are thinking, will my baby be ok?
What am I going to do all day without him/her?
What are they doing at school without mum and dad?
My name is Teacher Liliia and here are some answers to your questions. Kids have settled down and I personally can see how they have developed day by day.

The first week is the hardest for the kid to adjust without the parents, new environment, new faces.
For the last few weeks, we have been learning rich topics about ourselves, numbers, colors, shapes, daily routine, and body parts.
We started and will continue to learn letters shapes and sounds. Phonetical awareness is very important for younger learners and we are using many methods to deliver it to the kids.
We use many engaging activities for the kids, to have fun and enjoy learning at the same time.
Building their motor/movement skills by doing crafts, making letters, cutting, and painting, the good thing about this is that they love doing this activity and it is an important task to improve their movement skills.
Last week we had an amazing activity called “Letters treasure hunt” and children had to look for treasure letters around the classroom in different hidden places. Again, it is amazing when kids can play and learn at the same time.
The Class assistant Renee, myself, and the life teacher all work as a team, creating a family atmosphere for the kids to be themselves, express themselves, be confident and independent.
Happy learning,
Miss Liliia

Elastic Materials

This week in the Year 2 Science lessons they continued their investigations into different materials. They focused on elastic materials and what is elasticity. In this lesson, they thought about how they can measure elasticity. Using a cup, ruler and some rubber bands they measured how many marbles is required to stretch the rubber band to different lengths. They conducted an experiment in groups to improve their cooperation skills. This experiment allowed the Year 2 students to improve their analytical skills by making observations, collecting data and comparing that data with other groups. Well done to the Year 2 students for such excellent work!

Learning Poetry

This month’s focus in English Literature has been on poetry. Students began by reviewing the basic terms used in the study of poetry. They now have been introduced to some less commonly used yet important new terminology that will allow them to more deeply analyze and describe the poems they are studying. The first poem students worked on was a lighthearted, yet meaningful poem called Blackberry Picking, by Seamus Heaney. Students were able to learn new vocabulary while annotating the poem with instances of figurative language and identifying and marking lines in the poem where imagery has been used. Currently students are studying and analyzing the more relevant poems The Planners, by Boey Kim Cheng and The City Planners, by Margaret Atwood. Students should be able to relate well to these poems as they are tied to current events and reflect everyday life in modern society.

Saudi Arabian National Day

In line with its vision 2030 Strategy, the 92nd Saudi Arabian National Day is not only to celebrate the unification of the Kingdoms of Najd and Hijaz by king Abdul-Aziz in 1932, but also for the Saudi Nation to celebrates their economical, technological and cultural transformation.
Here at BIS we congratulate the kingdom and its people under the leadership of King Mohammed bin Salman and we wish you all the best for the future.

Science - Skeletons and Organs

Years 4 and 6 have been learning about human biology, with Year 4 focusing on the human skeleton and muscles, and Year 6 learning about the human organs and their functions. The two classes collaborated in drawing two human frames, and working together to place the different parts of the body (bones and organs) in the correct place. Learners were also encouraged to ask one another what a particular body part is and its function and position in the body prior to placing it in the human frame. This allowed the learners to interact more with one another, review the taught content and apply their knowledge. In the end, the learners had a lot of fun working together!

Post time: Dec-23-2022