Numeracy Learning
Welcome to the new semester, Pre-nursery! Great to see all my little ones at school. Children started to settle down in the first two weeks, and get used to our daily routine.

At the early stage of learning, children are so interested in numbers, so I designed different game-based activities for numeracy. Children would be actively involved in our math class. At the moment, we use number songs and body movements to learn the concept of counting.
Apart from the lessons, I always emphasize the importance of ‘play’ for early years’ development, as I believe that ‘teaching’ can be more exciting and more acceptable for children in a play-based learning environment. After class, children can also learn different mathematical concepts through play, such as the concepts of counting, sorting, measuring, shapes, etc.

Number Bonds

In class Year 1A we have been learning how to find number bonds. First, we found number bonds to 10, then 20 and if we were able, to 100. We used different methods for finding number bonds, including using our finger, using cubes and using 100 number squares.

Plant Cells & Photosynthesis

Year 7 conducted an experiment of looking at plant cells through a microscope. This experiment let them practice using scientific equipment and doing practical work safely. They were able to see what is inside of the cells using the microscope and they prepared their own plant cells in the classroom.
Year 9 conducted an experiment related to photosynthesis. The main aim of the experiment is to collect the gas produced during photosynthesis. This experiment helps the students to understand what is photosynthesis, how it happens and why it is important.

New EAL Program
To start this new school year we are happy to bring back our EAL program. Homeroom teachers are working closely with the EAL department to make sure we can improve students' English competency and proficiency all across the board. Another new initiative this year is providing additional classes to secondary students to help them prepare for IGSCE exams. We want to provide as comprehensive of preparation as possible for the students.

Plants Unit & A Round-the-World Tour
In their Science classes, both Years 3 and 5 are learning about plants and they collaborated together to dissect a flower.
The Year 5 students acted as mini teachers and supported the Year 3 students in their dissection. This will help the Year 5’s to develop a deeper understanding of what they have been learning. The Year 3 students learnt how to dissect the flower safely and worked on their communication and social skills.
Well done Years 3 and 5!

Years 3 and 5 continued collaborating together for their plants unit in Science.
They built a weather station together (with the Year 5’s helping the Year 3’s with the trickier bits) and they planted some strawberries. They can’t wait to see them grow! Thank you to our new STEAM teacher Mr. Dickson for helping. Great work Years 3 and 5!

The students in Year 5 have been learning about how countries are different in their Global Perspectives lessons.
They used virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) to travel to different cities and countries across the world. Some of the places the students visited included Venice, New York, Berlin and London. They also went on safaris, went on a gondola, walked through the French alps, visited Petra and walked along the beautiful beaches in the Maldives.
The room was filled with wonder and excitement at visiting the new places. The students laughed and smiled continuously throughout their lesson. Thank you to Mr. Tom for your help and support.
Post time: Dec-23-2022