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No.4 Chuangjia Road, Jianshazhou, Baiyun District, Guangzhou CIty 510168, China

This edition of BIS innovative news is brought to you by our teachers: Peter from EYFS, Zanie from Primary School, Melissa from Secondary School, and Mary, our Chinese  teacher. It has been exactly one month since the start of the new school term. What progress have our students made during this month? What exciting events have taken place on our campus? Let’s find out together!




Collaborative Learning in Innovative Education: Fostering Deep Learning and a Global Perspective


Collaborative learning is quintessential in my classroom. I feel that  educational experiences that are active, social, contextual, engaging, and student-owned may lead to deeper learning.


This past week Year 8s have been delving into creating innovative Apps for mobile phone users as well as launching their second round of presenting.

Ammar and Crossing from year 8 were dedicated project managers each running a tight ship, diligently, delegating tasks and ensuring all aspects of the project ran according to plan.


Each group researched and created mind maps, mood boards, app logos and functions before presenting and critically reviewing each other’s App offerings. Mila, Ammar, Crossing and Alan were active participants in interviewing BIS staff to find out their views, an exercise which not only fosters student confidence but enhances communication skills. Eason was fundamental in app design and development.


Global perspectives began with identifying people’s opinions and beliefs on food, as well as analysing different perspective around diet. Discussion focused on a wide range of issues including health conditions such as diabetes, allergies and food intolerances. Further investigation delved into religious reasons for diet as well as animal welfare, and the environment and its effects on the food we eat.


The latter part of the week saw year 7 students designing welcome guides for perspective foreign exchange students, to inform them on life at BIS. They included school rules and customs as well as additional information to aide the foreign students during their imaginary stay.  Rayann in year 7 made remarkable achievements with his foreign exchange brochure.


In global perspectives students worked in pairs to explore local and global brands culminating with a written comparison piece on their favourite logos and products.


Collaborative Learning is often equated with “group work”, but it encompasses many more activities including pair and small group discussions and peer review activities, such activities will be implemented throughout this term. Lev Vygotsky, states that we learn through interactions with our peers and teachers, thus creating a more active learning community can positively impact a learner’s ability and help meet individual learner goals.


Post time: Sep-20-2023