Palesa Rosemary
EYFS Homeroom Teacher
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In Nursery we have been learning how to count and it’s a bit challenging once one mixes the numbers up because we all know that 2 comes after one .
A fun and enjoyable way to learn how to count and identify numbers through play by a medium of Lego blocks is one method that words wonders .
Nursery A had a demonstrative lesson where all students engaged in counting through a song and Lego blocks, identifying numbers through flash cards memory games.

Samatha Fung
Primary School Homeroom Teacher
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Year 1A had so much fun Trick or Treating and dressing up this past week that we extended the festivities over to our maths class! The students have been learning about 2D shapes and 3D shapes the last two weeks and to bring it all together, they built their own haunted houses, using 2D shapes to create 3D shapes that bring their little project alive. The project allows them to apply what they’ve learned about shapes and add their own creative twist to make it fun. Maths isn’t just about addition and subtraction, it’s around us in our everyday lives in different shapes and forms. We also used this opportunity to recap our previous science lessons on different kinds of materials - what would make a sturdy haunted house in real life? By teaching across the curriculum, children are able to see how their education applies to different situations and how it translates to real life.

Robert Carvell
EAL Teacher
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As an EAL teacher, I believe that it is important to make my teaching student-centred. This means that I sometimes use my students' interests as the starting point for my lessons. For example, if I have a student who is interested in animals, I might plan a lesson on animal habitats. This helps to engage students and makes them more likely to participate in the lesson.
I also use a variety of teaching methods to keep students engaged, such as hands-on activities, games, and group work. This helps to promote collaboration and critical thinking among students.
Student Spotlight
I am proud to spotlight one of my students, who has made good progress recently. This student was initially reluctant to participate in class, but with one-on-one support and encouragement, he has become more enthusiastic and is now producing more work. He is also taking more pride in his work and is producing neater and better work.
Teacher Perspectives
I am passionate about education and believe that every child deserves a quality education. I am grateful to work at BIS, where the student's needs are the driver. I am always looking for new and innovative ways to teach, and I am committed to providing my students with the best possible education.
I am proud to be an EAL teacher at BIS and committed to helping my students reach their full potential.
I hope this newsletter gives you a glimpse into my teaching philosophy and recent work. Thank you for reading!

Read Ayoubi
PR(Public Relations Manager)
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Steve Farr
27th OCT 2023
Every term, we host a BISTalk at our campus, which is coordinated by Mr. Raed Ayoubi, the public relations manager. Through the BISTALK program, Our Students and parents get the opportunity to interact with influential people, government officials, doctors, public figures, influencers, and anybody else who might have a beneficial impact. These successful individuals then share their expertise and experiences with our students.
on the 27th of October 2023 , Mr Raed Invite Mr.Steve Farr , We all learned a lot of things about Chinese culture during Mr. Steve's BISTALK discussion about culture exchange. It was an excellent talk that opened our eyes to many aspects of the magnificent Chinese culture and taught us a lot of dos and don'ts. China is a wonderful country, and this discussion helped us grasp the culture of the Chinese people.
GDTV Future diplomat
28th of OC 2023
On October 28th, Guangdong Television held the Future Diplomat Leaders Selection Competition at BIS. Three of our BIS students, Tina, Acil, and Anali, successfully advanced in the competition by delivering outstanding presentations in front of the panel of judges. They have been granted PASS TICKETS, which will allow them to proceed to the next round. Congratulations to Tina, Acil, and Anali for moving on to the next phase; you will undoubtedly make us proud and be featured in a special segment on GDTV.
Post time: Nov-17-2023