Aaron Jee
Before embarking on a career in English education, Aaron earned a Bachelor of Economics from Lingnan College of Sun Yat-sen University and a Master of Commerce from the University of Sydney. During his studies in Australia, he worked as a volunteer teacher, helping to facilitate a variety of extracurricular programs at several local high schools in Sydney. In addition to studying Commerce, he also attended courses at the Sydney Theatre School, where he learnt practical performing skills and lots of fun drama games that he is excited to bring to his English classes. He is a qualified teacher with a high school English teaching certificate and has much experience in ESL teaching. You can always find rhythms, visuals and lots of fun energy in his classroom.
Education Background
From Business, to Music, to Education

Hi, my name is Aaron Jee, and I'm the EAL teacher here at BIS. I received my Bachelor degree of Economics and Master degree of Commerce from Sun Yat-Sen University in China and Sydney University in Australia. The reason that really brought me to education industry is because, I was very lucky to have several very amazing teachers who absolutely have a lot of impact on me, that made me realize how much difference a teacher is able to make to a particular student. And it's their job that inspires me, and makes me believe that, being able to connect to students can really open them up, fully develop them and maximize their potentials. That's actually something even more important than just teaching them knowledge. For a teacher, I think it’s about how to reach the students, how to be able to connect to the students, and how to make the students also believe that they have the ability to achieve things, which is a lifelong mentality that teachers can actually help them build during their development. It’s a very important message that students, and even parents, should know.

Teaching Techniques
Jazz chants and TPR
When it comes to my teaching techniques, actually in my classroom, there are many activities I would do, like jazz chants, Kahoot games, Jeopardy, and TPR exercise etc. But essentially, the goal of all these activities, is trying to inspire the students to find learning English an interesting journey; is trying to open them up and encourage them to embrace the knowledge with open arms. That’s because, having an open mind that’s ready and excited to learn, is actually very different from having their doors shut down to a certain subject or class. That's actually quite important. If you make a student feel that he's ready to learn, he will absolutely take in more knowledge, absorb and retain more in the longer run. But if a student chooses to shut down their door and decides not to open to you, they're not going to get anything.
For example, Jazz chants, as an in-classroom technique, is created by an American language teaching expert Carolyn Graham. The application of it is actually very broad, a very practical tool. It allows to turn any vocabulary, any grammar points that students need to memorize into a chant. Some stuff, that can be quite boring and hard to memorize in the first place, can be turned into something very groovy, full of rhythms and fun. This is very helpful to the young learners, because their brains are being very responsive to things that have certain rhythms and patterns. Students really enjoy that and we can even make some music out of it. It helps students intuitively gain the knowledge that they are required to learn.
Another technique that I would use in my classroom is called TPR, which stands for Total Physical Response. It asks students to fully engage all their body parts and use some physical movement to react to certain verbal input. It can enable the students to consolidate the sound of the word to the meaning of the word.

Opinions of Teaching
Be Happy in the Classroom

I actually have many hobbies and interests. I like music, drama, and performing. I think one thing that's very important and people sometimes might overlook is that, apart from expecting students to be happy, we also need a happy teacher in class. For me, music and drama can really make me happy. Thanks to my previous experience in music industry and some acting training, I’m able to integrate all the skills and methods related into my class, making students find learning more enjoyable, and be able to absorb more. Another thing is, I genuinely care about the things that students are interested in, because only when the students feel like they themselves and their needs are cared for, they would start to open up to you.
So as a teacher, I feel incredibly lucky and happy, because I'm able to share the things that make me happy and the students can also benefit from.

Post time: Dec-16-2022