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In this issue's spotlight on BIS People, we introduce Mayok, the Homeroom teacher of BIS Reception class, originally from the United States.

In the BIS campus, Mayok shines as a beacon of warmth and enthusiasm. He is an English teacher in the kindergarten, hailing from the United States. With over five years of teaching experience, Mayok's journey in education is filled with children's laughter and curiosity.

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"I have always believed that education should be a joyful journey," shared Mayok, reflecting on his teaching philosophy. "Especially for young students, creating a happy and enjoyable environment is crucial."


 BIS Reception  

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In his classroom, the laughter of children echoed continuously, a testament to his dedication to making learning enjoyable. 

"When I see the children running around the classroom, calling out my name, it reaffirms that I've chosen the right path," he said with a smile. 

But beyond the laughter, Mayok's teaching also embodies a rigorous aspect, thanks to the unique educational system he encountered at the school.


"The IEYC curriculum system introduced by BIS is something I had never experienced before," he pointed out. "The gradual approach to teaching English content before exploring the origins and habitats of animals has been immensely beneficial to me." 

Mayok's work extends beyond the classroom. As a homeroom teacher, he emphasizes creating a safe and caring environment for students to thrive. "Classroom discipline and safety are crucial," he emphasized. "We want the school to not only be safe but also a place where children can connect with others, fostering a sense of community."

An important aspect of Mayok's work is collaborating with parents to support students' holistic development. "Communication with parents is crucial," he emphasizes. "Understanding each child's strengths, weaknesses, and struggles allows us to adapt our teaching methods flexibly to better meet their needs." 

He acknowledges the diversity in students' backgrounds and learning styles as both a challenge and an opportunity. "Every child is unique," Mayok remarks. "As teachers, it's our responsibility to identify their individual needs and adjust our teaching accordingly." 

Mayok is dedicated not only to academic education but also to instilling kindness and empathy in children. "Education is not just about textbook knowledge; it's about nurturing exemplary human beings," he reflects thoughtfully. "If I can help children grow into individuals with compassion, who can spread happiness wherever they go, then I believe I've truly made a difference."


As our conversation draws to a close, Mayok's passion for teaching becomes even more evident. "Every day brings new challenges and rewards," he concludes. "As long as I can bring smiles to my students, inspire them to learn and grow, I know I'm heading in the right direction."

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For more course details and information about BIS Campus activities, please feel free to contact us anytime. We look forward to sharing the journey of your child's growth with you!

Post time: Apr-27-2024