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No.4 Chuangjia Road, Jianshazhou, Baiyun District, Guangzhou CIty 510168, China

Welcome back to the latest edition of the BIS INNOVATIVE NEWS! In this issue, we have thrilling updates from Nursery (3-year-old class), Year 5, STEAM class, and Music class.

Nursery's Exploration of Ocean Life

Written by Palesa Rosemary, March 2024.

Nursery has started with the new curriculum and this month our theme is going places . This theme incorporates transportation and traveling . My little friends have been learning about water transportation, the ocean and underwater the sea.

In these activities Nursery students engaged in a demonstration of a science experiment which gives them better understanding of the concept “sink and float.  Nursery students got the opportunity to experience, and explore by doing the experiment themselves and in addition to that the got to make their own paper boats and see if they would sink or float with and without water in the boat . 

They also have an idea of how wind contributes to a boat sailing as they blew their boat off with straws. 

Embracing Mathematical Challenges and Achievements

Written by Matthew Feist-Paz, March 2024.

Term 2 has proven to be an eventful and fun-filled term for year 5 and much of the school.  

This term so far has felt very short due to the holiday events we have celebrated before and in-between, although year 5 have taken this in their stride, and their engagement in class and their learning has not waivered. Fractions proved a difficult subject last term, but this term I am proud to say that most of the students are now confident with handling Fractions. 

Students in our class can now multiply fraction and find fractions of an amount with relative ease. If you ever wandered through the 3rd floor hall you may have even heard us shouting “the denominator stays the same” repeatedly!    

We are currently converting between fractions, decimals and percentages and students have been adding an additional depth to their knowledge and understanding of how mathematics fits together.  

It’s always great to see a lightbulb moment in the class when a student can connect the dots. This term, I also set them a challenge to use my Times Table Rockstars account to complete a timetable game in under 3 seconds.  

I am proud to announce that the following students have earned their ‘rockstar’ status so far: Shawn, Juwayriayh, Chris, Mike, Jafar and Daniel. Keep practising those times tables year 5, mathematical glory awaits!

Here are a few snapshots of student works captured by our editor in the Year 5 classroom. They are truly amazing, and we couldn't resist sharing them with everyone.

STEAM Adventures at BIS

Written by Dickson Ng, March 2024.

In STEAM, BIS students have taken a deeper look into electronics and programming. 

Year 1 to 3 students were given sets of motors and battery boxes and had to make simple models of objects like insects and helicopters. They learnt about the structure of these objects as well as how batteries can drive motors. It was their first attempt at building electronic devices, and some students did a fantastic job! 

On the other hand, year 4 to 8 students focused on a series of online programming games that train their brains to think like computers. These activities are essential as they allow students to understand how a computer reads codes while figuring out the steps to pass each level. The games also prepare students with no programming experience before starting any future programming projects. 

Programming and robotics are highly sought-after skills in the modern world, and it is vital that students get a taste of it from an early age. Although it could be challenging for some, we will try to make it more enjoyable in STEAM.

Discovering Musical Landscapes

Written by Edward Jiang, March 2024.

In music class, students of all grades are engaged in exciting activities! Here's a glimpse into what they've been exploring: 

Our youngest learners are immersed in rhythm and movement, practicing drumming, singing nursery rhymes, and expressing themselves through dance. 

In elementary school, students are learning about the evolution of popular instruments like the guitar and piano, fostering an appreciation for music from different periods and cultures. 

High school students are actively exploring diverse music histories, conducting research on topics they're passionate about and presenting their findings through engaging PowerPoint presentations, fostering independent learning and critical thinking skills. 

I'm thrilled to see our students continually growing and passionate about music.

BIS Classroom Free Trial Event is Underway – Click on the Image Below to Reserve Your Spot!

For more course details and information about BIS Campus activities, please feel free to contact us anytime. We look forward to sharing the journey of your child's growth with you!

Post time: Apr-30-2024