Our Location
No.4 Chuangjia Road, Jianshazhou, Baiyun District, Guangzhou CIty 510168, China

To inquire or apply for BIS please follow these steps:

Step 1: Request information.

To learn more about BIS, complete the online inquiry form.

Step 2: Schedule a meeting with BIS admissions. 

Step 3: Begin your application.

Read admissions policy, complete the online application form and submit the application materials.

Step 4:  Schedule your standardized test and admission interview.

Any questions? We're here to help. Call  or send an email to admissions@bisgz.com

Schedule a visit

To experience the unique of BIS is to visit and meet the campus we call home. Please complete the online visit request form right now and we'll contact you in 24 hours.

We are excited to introduce our outstanding curriculum pathway, innovative faculty and warm community through our physical and virtual events.